PM0050 China 1935 bank of communications 1 Yuan Pick #153 PMG 67EPQ finest known
for sale is one piece of China 1935 bank of communications 1 Yuan Pick #153 PMG 67EPQ finest known
I have multiple available. The actual banknotes you receive will be of the same grade but with different serial numbers.
shipping outside the United States
Buyers are responsible for all custom duties. we will
ship express mail at a cost of $48 to the buyer. (our cost is $44) No discussion on alternative method of shipping.
The reasons for the high overseas shipping cost is ebay and paypal rules for a tracking number and the buyer protection plan.(as well as buyer theft). if you have any other questions please contact ebay and paypal for their policies.
It is the responsibility of the buyer to look at the images to see any additional information about the item and to read and understand all of our terms.
If you are bidding on more than one item, please do not pay until we have invoiced you at the end of the auctions for that day so we can ship together.
If you have any issue please contact us first for refund